Whilst decorating my house for Christmas i created some drawings using snow spray on the window and a spatula. I really liked using this medium as it was easy and i could create a lot of interesting effects depending on what sort of spray was used. I first used a spray that dried quickly and found if sprayed on thickly it created cracks. I thought this was easier to use in order to shape things and remove marks. The other spray was more wet so when moved around it would leave marks.
The images are easier to see at night with a dark background but i thought they could look good if in front of a sun set or having a light shone through it. However, the cracks are easier to see in the day, making the house look old and forgotten.

Unfortunately, i ran out of the dry spray so had to use the wet one when actually trying to create something for my art. I drew a dancer on my window and removed the spray in the middle of her dress so most of her body was see through. I decided to draw her like this to show her loss of identity and continue on the idea of the dreamer becoming a ghost. Im planning to see how the image changes if i catch the sun shining through or sun set. I may also place fabric behind the glass to fill in the gaps. Using some LED lights i waved them in front of the cameras when taking a photo so they blurred, creating movement of the dancer as well as adding colour to represent the dream filling in the dreamers empty void.

I took this photo of the same drawing in the day. I was able to get the sun shining behind it creating a pale light. I was unable to capture this piece in the sun set however, i found the contrast of the light next to the dark shadows of the garden underneath interesting.
I took another picture at a different angle with the sun above the drawing, causing the dancer to be in the shadows. How the light changes the image is interesting. Its as if the dancer lost their control of the dream and became forgotten in the shadows.

Using the wet spray i removed, i drew a face on my mirror. I only drew minor features, only enough to make out a face. I wanted to draw it on the mirror so the viewer would see there own reflection replacing the face. Additionally, its to show how the dreamer can become lost and distant from people but others only look through the person as they dont notice they arent actually present and coping with reality. Again i waved the lights in front of the mirror. It didnt work at first as the mirror showed the wire so i waved it behind the camera, capturing small light movements. I really like the simplicity of this piece and how the lights look like tears falling from the eye. I would like to develop this by drawing more pieces on mirror, possibly using paint spray or other wet mediums like paint.
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