I really like the form of the triangle sculpture as it looked different in other angles, making it intriguing to move around. Furthermore, the shadows that it created as the lines merged together. I would of loved to play with light and see the shadows move. I also like the print in the back of the sculpture photo as the circle is very bold against all the lines in all his work.
Additionally, this print for using only pink for bright colour as i forget to mix the two combinations i either stick to all bright colours and forget about creating a dimension.
Lastly, i really like the print at the back as it matches the sculpture in front colour and shape wise. I really like how the circle is thin and still fades out like a moon and is then connected by a small, full circle. The sculpture in front has a black bar on that sometimes can fall off. Showing balance in the world and how we sometimes lose that balance. I thought this was incredibly unique.
When i first saw this piece i didnt think much of it. As i looked longer and noticed the two sections it inspired an art piece. Where the top half could have a clear painting of my visuals then it turns into drips as it meets the second semi circle, dripping down to nothing. I thought this would show how fantasies are not real and losing control of reality. Ive never thought about shapes before as a border in my work.
Last of all he created a few pieces by woven sticks. I though the process was interesting and difficult. The end pieces were fascinating with their lines but the lack of colour meant i found the pieces a bit boring. However i like the idea of creating a circle by doing this and then pouring multiple coloured paint and letting them drip and dry through the cracks. This would show the dreamer falling through the cracks of reality into their fantasy.
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