Using a mirror, i reflected one of my pieces by standing it next to the painting. I wanted to reverse the words i wrote. Some people believe mirrors are a door way to another universe and i thought it would be interesting to use that idea to convey the dream world or looking into reality from the fantasy side.
To develop this i wish i stood the two mirrors facing each other to create an infinite reflection. I would also like to try painting an actual image on the mirror. I could paint dancers on one mirror, then the background scenery on the other, make them reflect into each other. Then if the viewer stands in the middle it separates the fantasy.
I also took a photo of the wire on top of the mirror from the side as i like how you cant tell it lifts up from the bottom. Its very subtle as it blends in with the mirror.
I also took a video of me rolling this piece in the paint. I had created veins in the paint and let it dry so when i rolled this ball through the veins were the only wet areas,causing it to pick up paint lines.
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