However, i wanted to show the dreamer watching reality due to their disconnection not the dreamer falling further out of reach. Additionally, i considered how closing the book would possibly flatten the peel so decided on the side that was like a bowl, so the eye was more visible and centre of attention.
I spray painted all my sketchbooks black so they all matched and looked like they were all apart of the same thing. I chose black so it matched my large black sketchbook with black pages. Furthermore, in the visuals the dancer in black represents reality and i decided to look into daydreaming to help me work through my personal feelings with it and try to connect with reality more. It also shows how dreaming is all inside of the person like it is inside of the sketchbooks and reality occurs on the outside.
Last of all, i thought it was interesting how the books blended in with the dirty, wet leaves outside. If the books were placed amongst the leaves they would be difficult to spot easily conveying how the dreamer feels invisible like a ghost in reality and is lost as they are consumed by their dream which is represented by the nature overgrowing in the visuals.
I kept the gloves i wore when spray painting. I covered one hand in paint more, originally i just wanted to dip the fingers in as if they were turning black. Then i scraped the paint over the other hand when it was mostly dried to create the rough markings. I plan to pour colourful paint inside to show how the dream is inside but is starting to overtake the dreamers life as the colour would show through where the black isnt. I took a photo of the gloves on the plate with colourful dried markings as i really liked the contrast and the roughness of the markings.
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