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DDTK Canvas Painting + Light

         I looked into how light changed the painting on the canvas. I discovered how the light shone through the back, losing the colour in the paint and showing rough brush strokes. The sections of the face that look incredibly light added a sense of loss of form as if the dreamer wasn't really in solid form and disconnected completely. I found that by moving the canvas away from the light, the painting faded similarly showing how the dreamer loses their identity and becoming a ghost.

    I also took a video of the light moving in the reflection of the glass, similar to how the light reflected in the plastic frame of the film. I really like how it moves across in a line as if it is wiping the dreamers mind clean. I also like how the gaps between the glass breaks up the line sectioning it yet when looking at the video overall the eyes blur that line into one showing how many things influence dreams, building it up until it overtakes the dreamer.
