As i said previously with this piece i wanted to drip the string in paint and let it drip/run down as it was wrapped around. I decided to do my best to add paint to the string but could not dip the string in paint and get the full effect i had originally intended. However, i do believe by adding more colour has helped make the whole piece stand out and draw attention from the viewer, as before it was mostly monochrome colour except for a couple of red and green leaves. I think to improve this i would add some brighter colours that represent the colourful dancers, for instance yellow as the cheerful colour would stand out strongly from black and a deep blue. I like how the watered down acrylic has dripped a little as the string represents the dreamer being trapped by her dream and the dripping colour shows how the dream (colourful dancers) are in control and influencing the dreamer to stay.

I created this biro drawing by tracing, roughly, the outline of the face using a projected image of the marker drawing i did on a clear plastic wallet. I then built up the image by using a loose scribbling technique. I like the effect of not drawing every detail of her skin as she blends with the paper, looking very vacant like a ghost. As if she isnt truly present like a dreamer is distracted by their fantasy and missing out on whats happening in the present. However, to improve i would like to build up the biro technique so aspects of her face are more present before the biro fades into an empty gap. Showing how she is loosing pieces of herself.
Furthermore, i scraped oil paint using a pallet knife as i adore how bright the colours are and how the oil paint dries. Again i only used colours that represented the dancers to show how the dreamer feels as if they have no personality and the only interesting thing is their private dream as it is most colourful. To develop the paint i would add more of the other dancers colours and let them mix on the page to create more colours between them.
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