I decided to develop the drawings i did when experimenting with the use of the projector. I felt that these drawings were quite bad as they were quick sketches and details were out of place. For instance the scribbles on the dancers faces look odd and ruin the drawing. As i was looking into rough painting i decided to try experiment with the style. I think between the two my favourite outcome of the paint is of the face, The random pop of colour in the hair and mix of bright colours. I quite like the outcome when using a pallet knife and scraping it down the page with all the colours. The way the colours mix and still stand out from one another. Furthermore, adding paint to the drawing helped illuminate the green pen drawing. On the other hand some features are out of place, for instance the eyes are slightly ff and the lips.
For the dancers, i found acrylic paint to be too runny to mix with colours. I think oil paint might work better. I got the paint in the right lines this time, however i wasnt as experimental with the colours making the painting too pristine. I think to improve i need to build up the paint, for instance the skin tones to be more realistic then layer rough paint on top. I could also layer different materials during this process, like tissue paper and coloured card.

Inspired by a piece i did last year when at the sculpture park i created a collage of photos on a page then drew a line drawing of a sculpture on top. I created a similar process here by creating a collage from photos of Spinalonga, including the photo of the building i drew. Unfortunately, its difficult to see the drawing as the photos are in black and white. However, the lines might of not stood out in coloured photos as dark areas would still hide the lines and it may be too distracting. To improve this issue i would use another coloured marker to repeat the lines of the drawing. I did this on the sculpture drawing too and plan to do this once i get a hold of a coloured marker.
To devlop this further, i like the idea of creating multiple versions of the paintings in different colours and styles to express different emotions. Allowing the viewer to change the painting to what pulls their attention. I could ask the viewer to explain why they preferred that painting.Furthermore, i could draw more versions of the dancers so they overlap and possibly look like they are moving. Or pull the painting in and out of the folder repeatedly to create movement.
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