I want to look into how people pretend to be something they are not. This can occur in different ways, some good and some bad. For instance acting as a different character in a play or TV show for entertainment. Or changing your personality/beliefs to conform to society's norms and expectations to be accepted by the majority. Many people use social media to present themselves as rich and famous when in reality they are the same as everyone else. I want to explore why people feel the need to do this and how does it help them. Additionally, i want to explore the fear of expressing one's true self. This could be peoples dislikes and likes, for instance favourite song or TV show. Why do people judge one another on these factors? This also links to how people pretend they are fine when in reality they are hiding deep amounts of stress and emotional problems. Whilst thinking about where i could take my art and what i could explore i realised many of these link to ...